Algo Sliv Group
We make indicators of any complexity to order (Pine Script)
Sell access to replicas of the most popular indicators
Our Indicators
Pifagor Trade Indicators [ASG] (3в1)
Polunin Trade Indicator [ASG]
WBCC Main Indicators [ASG] (2в1)
Shark Algo Premium [ASG] (2в1)
Go Trade Strategy [ASG]
Our YouTube
Our Benefits
Free test
The authors of most indicators do not give test access. This means that in any case you should first pay for access for at least a month (from $100 to $2200), and only then you will be able to see the interface, workouts and understand whether this tool is suitable for you or not.

Here you can get test access to almost all indicators absolutely free of charge. And on your own monitor (not on screenshots in the channels) to see how this or that instrument behaves in different market situations, to evaluate the performance and choose the indicator that suits your trading strategy
Improvements and new functionality
Most of the original indicators are not updated, or are updated insignificantly (mainly in design). This is because they are written not by the authors of the projects, but by order, and to make functional changes is long, expensive and very costly.

Our team consists of trading practitioners and at the same time we are professional programmers. That is, we not only understand what traders need, but we can implement it ourselves. Therefore, it is not a problem for us to create replicas of indicators, update them (if the authors have them), as well as to add our own solutions and improvements to them. This also applies to writing custom indicators from scratch.
The prices are many times lower
We have copies of expensive indicators in our arsenal ($600-$1200 per month). Not everyone is ready to pay such sums monthly for an auxiliary tool. We also believe that these figures are not very adequate. That is why our access to these indicators costs much less. The maximum tariff for today is $100/month. It includes access to all our tools (by the way, the nominal cost of the originals would cost more than $5000/month)
All the details and a free test in our Telegram channel:
Algo Sliv Group 2022-2025
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